
Friday, October 12, 2012

Function of Community Development Committee (CDC)

After formation of Primary Groups, the CDC will be formed in each community. All Primary Group leaders and secretaries will be members of the CDC. The members will elect a Chairperson, a Vice-chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer as office bearers for a period of two years. Only a man may fill up the vice-chairperson. Each CDC will open bank account for monetary transaction. CDC is responsible to execute the all activities in the community. CDC is accredited by respective City Corporation to give them legal status at local level. CDC maintains 4 bank accounts and the accounts are operated under joint signature of the cashier (mandatory) & Chairperson or secretary. CDC meeting held fortnightly. 

A CDC Cluster is formed covering 6-10 CDCs.  A committee is formed at the cluster level, to take responsibility for cluster level activities and to have direct access to the project town team through the CO.  Each CDC nominates two representatives to join the CDC Cluster Committee.  The CDC Office Bearers will elect the Cluster Office Bearers from among all the Cluster Committee members.  The CDC Cluster Committee and its Office Bearers is accredited by the City Corporation. The Cluster provides support for training, information sharing and community-to-community monitoring of Community Contracts i.e. both Settlement Improvement Fund and Socio-Economic Fund activities.  It is also responsible for the annual audit of the savings and credit operations of the CDCs.  Training program will be organized by project staff to develop the CDC Clusters' capacity in terms of technical, financial, management skills.

To enhance the capacity of the PG, SCG, CDC & Cluster members, UPPR Khulna Town have initiated different types of initiatives. Skill development training and exchange visit are major of them. During UPPR period organized different types need based skill development training like savings & credit, leadership development, skill development on SIF & SEF fund management, skill development training on IGA, vegetables cultivation, poultry rearing etc.

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