
Monday, September 17, 2012

Community Mobilization


Social mobilization is the primary step of community development and poverty reduction.  It allows people to understand their socio-economic circumstances and initiate action with their own creativity for change. Through mobilization people can organize themselves to take action collectively by developing their own plan and strategy rather than either disparate individual action or a plan being imposed from outside.

Primary group is the main point of a community. Community members live close together with socio-economic affinity, having common interest will be encouraged and assisted to form Primary Groups by 15-20 families on a geographic basis. Only one member of each family will be eligible for membership. Each group will elect a group leader and a secretary to serve for period two years.  As a guideline, holding weekly meetings of the group should be a precondition

 Primary group members are savings & credit member. SCG members meet weekly to collect savings. Each SCG member is provided with an individual passbook with identification number. The primary group leaders & CDC committee is responsible for the overall management of the savings and credit program. Disbursement of credit is approved in the CDC meeting and recorded by a regulation. Project staffs, CDC & CDC Cluster leader monitor the accounting system regularly.

Example of a Training Module

This is just for example, not for common 

Community Facilitator Training
Duration: 3 days

At the end of 3 days class room training and field visit, the Community Facilitator will understand their tasks clearly and be able to assist Community Organiser for effective implementation of UPPR activities at the community level


Proposed Facilitators

  • Registration
  • Knowing each other
  • Clarify the learning objectives
  • Setting training norms
  • Expectations from the course and share the major contents

10:30 -11:00
Health break

11:00 -11:30
  • Goal, purpose and outputs of UPPR Project

  • Concept of community mobilization
  • Settlement mapping, homeless survey, HH survey, HH members survey
  • Formation of PG (process, technique and role of CF)
  • Formation of CDC (process, technique and role of CF)

Lunch break

  • Mobilisation-TO BE CONTINUED

Health break

  • Savings and credit activities of CDC (purpose, process, accounting and role of CF)

  • Review the day and learning points


  • Reporting of the previous day

  • Discussion on different meetings at the community level (types and purposes of the meeting, participants, frequency, decision making and role of CF to make the meeting effective)
  • Health break

  • Community Action Plan (Purpose, Process, Tools, Techniques including Community Mapping and WBA and role of CF
  • Lunch break

  • Socio-Economic Fund (planning, implementation and monitoring)
  • Health break

  • Settlement Improvement Fund (planning, implementation and monitoring
  • Role and responsibilities of CF in SIF and SEF
  • Review the day and learning points


  • Reporting of the previous day

  • Community awareness on hygiene, nutrition, social problems (process techniques and role of CF)
  • Health break

  • Savings and credit activities of CDC (purpose, process, accounting and role of CF)
  • Lunch break

  • Field Visit (CDC,s activities)
  • Sharing field exercise in the plenary
  • Course review
  • Evaluation
  • Closing
ToR of Community Facilitator
Role and Responsibilities of Community Facilitator

Under the overall supervision of the Community Organiser, the CF will be responsible for carryout the following:

Community Mobilization
  • Assist in formation of households into Primary Groups (PG)
  • Assist in formation of Saving and Credit Groups (SCG)
  • Facilitate regular PG meetings
  • Support the collection of saving, deposit to bank and maintaining record
  • Assist in the formation of CDC
  • Facilitate regular meeting of CDC
  • Facilitate democratic practices and participatory decision making at the CDC
  • Support capacity development of CDC members
  • Support group solidarity

Social Development

  • Identify and help with education support to dropout students from poor and extreme poor households and
  • Organise and facilitate health, education and social awareness raising campaigns/activities
  • Support and conduct sessions on social, legal and health issues at PG and CDC meetings
  • Facilitate access of poor and extreme poor to the basic services (water, sanitation, health, education etc.) Economic Development
  • Assist in selection of extreme poor for Block Grants
  • Assist in selection of apprentices
  • Help in identification of agriculture potentials
  • Support micro-entrepreneurs and market linkages
  • Support group business

Capacity Development
  • Provide training to CDC and PG leaders
  • Provide training to the users of water point, latrine and drains for regular O&M
  • Organise exchange visits from CDC to CDC
  • Facilitate accounting and record keeping at CDC level 


This programme is proposed to be piloted for 6 months with one month trail starting from 1 January 2010 in all CDCs in one cluster of all UPPR towns. The town not formed cluster yet, may start with a mother CDC. The mother CDC may play role as a cluster CDC. Flexibility may be given to the Project Town Board to prepare such contract under SEF in the towns where no cluster and CDCs are formed yet. Project Board at the headquarter will confirm the flexibility.


Monthly remuneration of FC would be taka 2000.  She will work 6-8 hours per day and 22 days per month.  This remuneration is included with local travel and all other costs related to her work.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

CDC (Community Development Committee) formation guidelines

A community is a body of persons sharing common problems, living in a physically identifiable area. Social mobilisation is the primary step of community development and poverty reduction.  It allows people to understand their socio-economic circumstances and initiate action with their own creativity for change. Through mobilisation people can organise themselves to take action collectively by developing their own plan and strategy rather than either disparate individual action or a plan being imposed from outside.

Each new community will present the results of its Primary Group formation exercise to the other new communities and the "guide" CDC at a small workshop. Any difficulties encountered in the formation of the Primary Groups and the numbers of those joining compared to those in the census will be reported and discussed at the workshop.  The time to be taken for the formation of the Primary Groups is about two weeks. 

Formation of Community Development Committee (CDC)
·         After formation of Primary Groups, the Community Development Committee will be formed in each community
·         All Primary Group leaders and secretaries will be members of the Community Development Committee
·         The members will elect a Chairperson, a Vice-chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer for a period two years.  The COs will raise this issue 6 months before the expiry of the Officers’ term and facilitate elections
·         Only the post of vice-chairperson may be filled by a male
·         Each Community Development Committee must formulate its own constitution
·         Each CDC will open bank account for monetary transaction

Following are the generalized criteria to form new CDCs in Slums.  If there arises any ambiguity or difficulty, be cleared with UPPR HQ.      

1.      Ward specific: A CDC must be fully located within the concerned ward boundary.  No CDC will extend its boundary out of its concerned ward boundary.
2.      CDC size range: CDC should have between 200-300 households.   
3.      Mutually separate boundary: CDCs must have separate boundary i.e. there will not have any overlapping of boundaries among or between CDCs.
4.      Geographical physical divides: Where possible and applicable, CDC boundaries will be clearly separate from other CDCs with visible physical entities like road/ major road, storm water drainage, rail line, canal, river, major features like industry, factory, educational institution, government or non-government office areas etc.
5.      Location identity wise: One or more CDCs will be formed within a large slum/ squatter area or big colony or area of big communities like sweeper/ cobbler/ bihari/ relatives or housing area of the workers from same industry/ factory or industries/ factories of the same owner or within a widely known area/ Para taking the settlements or HHs of the specific area individually and its boundaries will not be extended out of the area.
6.      Proximity among settlements: Where possible and applicable, priority will be given to form CDCs taking geographically adjacent, adjoining, bordering, neighboring settlements.   
7.      Dividing large settlements: If there is any large settlement and meet the requirement to form one more CDC with respect to number of HHs, there the settlement will be divided into possible CDCs taking the most neighboring HHs into each.
8.      Ownership of land: Where possible and applicable, CDCs will be individually formed according to the types of land the settlements are exclusively located on like private owner’s land or central government owned land or local government owned land or land owned by occupants.     
9.      Isolated/ pocket settlements:
a)     There may have isolated small (with respect to number of HHs which does not meet the requirement to form a CDC) settlement separate from/ located far from other settlements due to river, canal, lake, road/ rail line, large building/ office area or other reason.  
b)     If the isolated settlement cannot be grouped together with other settlements to bring it under a CDC and there are one or more CDCs close to it, then it will be absorbed into the closest CDC. In this case, if possible, either PG will be formed taking 15-20 HHs as per project guideline or the pocket HHs will be taken under closest PG of the mother CDC. Then the pocket leaders will be introduced to the CDC leaders, there will have a CDC wide meeting, terms and conditions will be fixed in presence of councilor and Project staff, and the CAP and PIP will be redo.
c)      There may have one more isolated pocket settlements without having any existing CDC close to them or within 1-2 km reach. In this case, small CDC (e.g. 75-150 HHs) can be formed taking the settlements. Here some special terms and conditions can be fixed e.g. low frequency of CDC meeting due to the constraints of distance among the PGs.    
10. Single HH based settlement: Single HH based settlement will be absorbed into the closest CDC.
11. Other considerations: To avoid probable difficulties, emphasis will be given to form CDCs according to religion, ethnic minority, and tribal community.