
Friday, October 12, 2012


Well-being Analysis  or Participatory Identification of the Poor  

Purpose of the Well Being Analysis:

Well-being analysis is fundamental to understand the community, its level of poverty, how different people experience poverty and marginalization, as well as relations between rich and poor and how these are structured.  Well-being analysis is an important participatory method that captures people’s perceptions of poverty and identifies different classes and interest groups with whom problems and desired activities can be explored.  However, the analysis outlined here, will allow the projects to use the exercise to identify its ‘target’ population from the bottom two categories of households.

The Process of the Well Being Analysis:  
The exercise requires that the facilitators visit the community more than once  

On the first visit

a)      They transect the settlement/community to explore the number of neighborhoods.& meet with people to get a sense of the number of households,
b)      Identify a suitable place in which all residents are comfortable (a neutral place, e.g. not in front of an elites’ house), including the poorest and most vulnerable, for example single, widowed, divorced, abandoned women;
c)      Find out which day and at which time most people are free and available,
d)     And inform as many households as possible when and where the meeting will be held.

On the second visit (the day of the exercise)

Step 1 – Introduction and Objective
Step 2 – Capturing Each Household and the “Invisible Poor”

Step 3 – Classification of households.

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